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2003 June 19th

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:53 pm
by airin96771

Board members present: Tom Brandt, Louie Miller, Dave Vanderwalle, and Darren Schmidt.

Other members Present: Unicorn, Cam and Kelley.

Meeting to Order: 6:35 p.m.

Minutes: Posted on the website

Treasurer�s Report:
Beginning balance :$60975.26 Trust $185478
Debits: 45652.69
Credits: 825.00
Balance: 16147.57
Park: 688.63

Debits were for paving and Honsodor Lumber.

Second mailing for road fees etc. will be the end of July.

Abandoned Cars: Nothing new on abandoned cars. Louie leaves messages for James Isa asking him to call if they are going to come in and tow cars. So far no response. The county will not take scrap cars at all.

Neighborhood Watch: The neighborhood watch patrol John and Shac are absent. A new resident to Eden Roc came in to see his property and found people living on it. The person said he was living on the wrong lot and moved next door. Louie is investigating.

Park Report: Park was weed whacked and mowed. Dave got the drywall material and needs to pick up six 2x4s 8 feet long. Dave, Unicorn and Kelley are going to hang the drywall. Louie will pick up the sink when the wall is complete.

Louie has the pre-application for the grant finished. He just needs the line item for the water tank. Tom is checking on the size the water tank needs to be from the county.

Volunteer Fire Dept.: Tom was called out twice last month. Both calls were for brush fires. One at Hawaiian Acres and the other an unattended brush people were burning on Ahi St.

Road Report: Road 26: paving was finished. The school buses can now circle the entire subdivision all the way to the back.

Kelly has bought a tractor with a flail. He will be mowing the sides of the road at $45.00 an hour. The board wants to spend $1,000.00. First motion to allocate $1,000 for roadside mowing was made and approved by the board.

Perry is scheduled to put down two loads of rock this month.

Louie talked with Paul Nash about South Kopua Rd. Paul told Louie they should be paving within one month.

Old Business: Dave has HELCO coming out to look at the trees out front by the rock wall and see if they will cut them down. Unicorn is willing to remove the trees that are not in the way of the power lines.

New Business: None

Adjourned: 7:00 p.m.