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2006 February 18th

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 10:12 pm
by airin96771
February 18, 2006 MINUTES

Board members present: Dave Vanderwalle, Louie Miller, Tim Hill and Fred Benardella.

Meeting called to order: 10:00AM

Treasurer’s Report:
Beginning balance: $12,330.72
Debits: 1,767.67
Credits: 11,775.00
Balance: 22,272.43
Park: 934.22
Fire Station: 760.10

Abandoned Cars: None removed in the past month. Reminded of the county program that will remove them from private property at no charge. The Association will provide the necessary forms to those that ask.

Neighborhood Watch: A few problems were reported to the Neighborhood Watch, and we are all reminded to keep our eyes open for anything out of the ordinary. Still need volunteers for Neighborhood Watch. Monthly meetings are still being held but with little or no attendance by Association members. Looking for ideas to involve people.

Park Report: Pipe for the fence will be drilled this month and they should be up shortly. Fire Station painting has been completed. Scheduled for this year are painting court, cementing basketball post, repair picnic table, these are thoughts for use of the park funds.

Volunteer Fire Dept: Was called out two times to neighboring areas. Nothing reported here in Eden Roc. Remember, you must give real good directions to the location. Much time wasted trying to find the location because of poor instructions. Training is now with Volcano and is the fourth Tuesday of the month.

Road Report: Potholes have been filled. Rock is available for the side roads. Two more loads were dropped at members request. Clearing corners to be done three more times this year, March, July and November. Motion made and passed for funds (1500.00 total) to complete this for the year. A second speed limit sign was knocked down. Excessive speed still seems to be the number one concern of Estate members. Remember the Blue Form can be filled out and given to Police Department is available when you see violations. Talked about getting bids to get a bulldozer (D4?) to push back trees along roads to make it easier to cut with the tractor, rather than weedwack, which is labor intensive. Some type of letter or packet of info to be given to homeowners to let them know what is going to happen. Red/White reflectors are in and ready to be put down at the two stop signs. This should be completed before the next meeting. Rocks, Fences, etc. need to be moved from the road to that person’s property line. Trees to be trimmed or removed from the front entrance by the Eden Roc sign. Limited paving this year and more emphasis on roadway improvements, such as intersections with limited visibility. Look to vote next month on what projects to start on.

Old Business: Couqui frogs are still a problem (depending on who you talk to). Live traps are available from the Humane Society for stray animals if needed. Work to continue on Fire Station so it can get final inspection, then try again for some grant monies.

New Business: Maybe some playground equipment for park was brought up by one of the members present. But we were reminded that liability issues had to be looked into first, but it could possibly be done in the future.

Adjourned: 11:15am