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2005 October 15th

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 10:10 pm
by airin96771
October 15, 2005 MINUTES

Board Members Present: Dave Vanderwalle, Louie Miller and Tim Hill

Meeting to Order: 10:00 a.m.

Treasurer’s Report:
Beginning balance: $52933.46 Trust $181898.00
Debits: 40716.93
Credits: 1765.00
Balance: 13981.53
Park: 239.22
Fire Station: 1624.03

Abandoned Cars: 21st Street 3 cars by pole 10, people sleeping in them? Will call tow guy. Bus was brought up on 7th st. Was Tim’s. He sold to Joel. Joel doesn’t have money to tow to his property. Suggested EREA have it towed? Tim will deliver notice to Joel 30 days to remove. Dave says tag it!
Dave wants a policy clarified on easements for 2006. Put IN writing. 7 to 11 roads were cleaned during community clean up project. Have truck bed and axel dumped by park, now rubbish being dumped.

Neighborhood Watch: Gas can stolen out of mowers truck. Tim mailed blue sheet on EXTREME SPEEDER. Red Toyota New guy building on corner of 13th and Palainui has someone speeding. Corner of Palainui and 11th cabin had solar panels stolen. Suspected Ice Dealer? In back, but where? Traps were discussed $350-400 for dogs

Park Report: Still need holes drilled in pipe for fence.

Volunteer Fire Dept: Training last month, No calls. This month Fern Forest 4:00 p.m. County is grateful for access gate.

Road Report: Paving done. Corners were mowed. If we want corners maintained will seek bids next year, let new board decide then. No more corner mowing this year. Still have money allocated for Kelley’s roadside mowing. What needs to be done is to take the corners back to the pins. Will probably take someone with backhoe with hammer. Next year want to start in front and start clearing easements on two main roads, Ohia and Palainui. The easements on those two roads are 60 feet. We are proposing 6 to 8 feet. Will clarify next year. Red said he will submit proposal next year. Was suggested spending bulk of road money on easement clearing vs. paving?? Tim will order reflective dots, will be here this month. Someone will need to install. Second motion made $1500 for roadsid mowing. Passed. Recycling project was completed last month. Dave unloaded trailer at recycling center, EREA will reimburse Dave for his lost wages, since no volunteers showed up. We should be receiving a $700 check from grant program. Thanks to all who helped!!

Old Business:

New Business: Agenda for next year will be set at next two meetings. Any community input, please come to meetings.
Couqi Frog Grant is being pursued by Karen. See her for details.

Adjourned: 10:30 a.m.