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2005 May 21st

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 10:08 pm
by airin96771
May 21, 2005 MINUTES

Board Members Present: Dave Vanderwalle, Louie Miller, Karen Bender and Mike Schultz
Meeting to Order: 10:00 a.m.

Treasurer’s Report:
Beginning balance: $58105.77 Trust $179538.00
Debits: 3756.78 ($2606 for insurance)
Credits: 1717.50
Balance: 58105.77
Park: 613.35
Fire Station: 2436.71

Abandoned Cars: No new cars have been removed we are trying to wait until the county program starts in July. The county is starting a program starting July 1, 2005 where they will tow cars for free. Louie put Eden Roc on the list for towing.

Neighborhood Watch: Tim found a stolen horse and had the police department return it to the owner. Tim also spotted the silver older pickup driving down road 23 that has been driving down our roads and Louie also spotted it while biking but couldn’t catch him to get a license plate number. Not sure if he lives in Eden Roc the truck has a neighborhood watch sign on the back.
Meetings are the first Saturday at 9:00 am at the fire station in the park. We need volunteers!

Park Report: 4th of JULY MEET YOUR NEIGHBOR PARTY AT THE PARK. The association is purchasing the hot dogs and hamburgers with the attendees should bring a potluck dish (salads, desserts etc.) The barbeque is ready for use. Dave used it and says it works great. Thank you Albert Wong for making it.
Louie will get a volleyball net set up. With park funds Louie will buy a 20x20 tarp for events like this.
The backboard for the basketball court has already been vandalized. Someone threw a rock and busted it out. We are going to replace it with a piece of aluminum. Dave picked up the pipe for the fence and had it cut to size he needs to drill holes so a cable can be threaded through. Please contact the board if interested in helping cement the posts in. Volunteers are still needed to paint the basketball court. Dave started the walking trail and got about 20 feet still looking for volunteers to walk the perimeter of the park for a walking trail. People volunteer but do not follow through.

Volunteer Fire Dept.: Training is the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. Always looking for volunteers. There were a couple of calls this month one was a brush fire and one person burning rubbish. There is a burning ban at all times you must get a permit to burn. Dave is picking up the supplies needed to finish the firehouse bathrooms and will get them put in place before place so we can finally get a final. Also the water tank needs to be in place, as we have to have running water. Because it has taken so long and no volunteers to finish the station for a final the grant money is no longer available.

Road Report: Louie mailed the $1000.00, Eden Roc’s contribution, to Charlie company to punch a road and put up a gate on the County Access Road at the end of road 17. The pins have been flagged now a dozer is needed. A gate will be installed and locked only emergency personnel will have access. All first responders will have a key. A four-wheel drive road is already in place we will make it accessible for all cars to use in case of emergency. The money came out of the fire station funds.
Kelly has started mowing and has about a third of the subdivision done. Louie is still waiting for bids on paving the companies are so backlogged they do not return calls.
Matson has a recycle program where they will bring out a container for us to use to fill with roadside rubbish so it does not go in the landfill. Karen is getting bids to have the trees in the front by the rock wall either removed or have the branches removed. Louie made a motion allocating $7500 to get started, motion seconded and passed..
Two loads of rock were dumped. Finished road 7 and one load road 14.

Old Business: Need an organizer for the couqi frog project. Karen is willing to help with this project. County will provide the sprayer and we buy the lime.

New Business: If you have any problems with dogs please contact the police.

Adjourned: 10:45 a.m.