Speed Bumps

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Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:44 pm

Speed Bumps

Post by Gary »

I understand this is a difficult subject. At this time I would not support speed bumps, I believe our focus should be on the safety of two lane roads and removing obstructing trees and weeds that inhibit the visibility at our intersections. I believe it would require speed bumps placed every 600 ft to be effective for safety. The placement of speed bumps will not only cause additional were on our vehicles it will cost drivers more in fuel, breaks, and shocks from the slowing and accelerating. Cars that are low may receive undercarriage or Exhaust system damage while trucks and larger vehicles will still proceed at high speeds. In understanding we are a private subdivision and we may not follow all county Rules, will we be following the county of Hawaii speed bump placement standards to include “Guidelines for design and Application of Speed Humps, “Institute of Transportation Engineers, May 1993 and as amended by county of Hawaii for the placement and safety of this application. To my understanding speed bumps should not be placed on narrow roads with a posted speed limit greater than 25 mph unless the road is 28’ wide and a 22’ speed bump is utilized signs will be needed 100’ on each side and the road should be painted 50 feet from the hump. Reflective paint should also be used on the hump. The hump should be 22’ long and 10’ wide with a height of 3" there should also be transitions on both ends 6’ of the parabolic curves. The placement may also be affected by the crown of our existing road. Please remember the Maintenance and upkeep of the bumps as they will be a safety item. Rain fall should also be considered as this may divert the flow and could cause drainage issues in some areas. There is also some limitations based on road pitch greater than 8%. The bumps could also slow the response time of emergency vehicles. If we proceed I would recommend having the project approved by a transportation engineer to avoided legal issues and properly inform the subdivision with signs at the front of the subdivision as most do not have internet access. I would also recommend holding a public meeting with well informed notice on the issue.
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Joined: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:49 pm

Re: Speed Bumps

Post by ThePalms »

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