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any lots for sale?

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:09 pm
by walrusdog
Ae there frogs everywhere now? I'm looking for a lot to buy from owner.

Re: any lots for sale?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 10:19 am
by bfreitas
I found my property at
I bought one on road ** and now live on it. Right now theres at least 25 properties for sale in Eden Roc listed on this site. What's so great about this site is that you find ALL properties that are for sale in Eden Roc by creating a search. (Properties that are handled by a real estate agent anyway; I've never seen any for sale by owner on this site). But, you don't have to look at Century 21 website, then Real estate executives website and so on; they're all listed here and there's pics and contact info. What I did was I created an account; similiar to creating an account at any website; type your name, your email address, your password. Then, you can create a SEARCH, and they will send you email updates. I still get an email whenever a property goes up for sale in eden roc. verrry cool. It's a good way to learn the names of the roads too. Plus, you can at your leisure ask a question (there's a box to fill out) and the contact agent will answer all of your questions by sending you an email.

Things to ask: Is there telephone service? Is there electricity? Not just the poles are there, but is there actual service; those two things can be different. Has the sspp been paid? Bottom line me, what's the least you'll take? Then offer them less, they'll take it. Don't get your heart set on one certain piece of property because people can tell and you won't get a reasonable price. Sure, if you have your heart set on living at the front or back of the subdivision or something general, that's ok. And don't let them tell you that the lots nearer to the two main roads coming into the subdivision cost more. Look on the county of hawaii's property info site ... kieCheck=1
and you can clearly see that generally the lots sold closest to the ingress and egress roads and NOT sold for more than the lots nearer the center of the perpendicular roads (like road 1 or 9 or whatever). Nor are lots nearer to the front of the subdivision necessarily more expensive than the ones nearer the back end of the subdivision. There was one sold on road 3 for $8,500 and one sold between road 23 and 24 for $35,000.
More questions; Do you know where the pins are, never mind staking for $3,500, you just need to know where the pins are; they are there and someone should know where they are. Are there any lava tubes? Some people want them and some don't. What's the approximate geographical slope of the property; what's the basic topography; flat, hilly, CONCAVE, CONVEX? The more diverse the topography, the more you'll pay for infastructure. Has the land ever been foreclosed on, especially on an unrecorded agreement of sale? Pissed off people always come back, you don't want to be there. Only roads 8, 17 and 26 are paved so don't bother asking about that. Although, if you're not going to drive the road yourself, your realtor should provide a video of the drive on the road you are interested in buying a lot on; some of the unpaved roads are a mess; steep slopes, concave runs, muddied-water puddled 6" rocks sticking out of the slip-torn road and occasionally it will rain so much that you will not be able to exit your road without a 4-wheel drive; I never have, but apperently, if you ask the board they will put some gravel on parts of your road. I've driven ALL of the roads and there is a correlation between the graveled roads and the board members; as far as I can tell. So, get on the board. please, no one get mad; i'm just stating a fact not making an accusation; maybe it's a coinkidinky as my son says. There does not seem to be any correlation between the locations of the PERMITTED houses and the finer roads though.

Too bad more For Sale By Owners are not listing their property on the Eden Roc Estates website; here. I know of atleast 4 that are for sale by owner, but I don't see them here.

There's more web action, community action and information at other subdivision like hawaiian acres, fern forest, leilani estates and fern acres. People aren't afraid to talk there, like here.


Yep, there are absolutely everywhere. I take care of mine and the two surrounding roads as much as I can. All of my neighbors let me spray but no one wants to get off their duff and help me. I heard the board has a sprayer but they haven't gotten back to me to confirm it. I would like to use it. I have to go to the county and borrow theirs. If the board has one they should let us know and let us use it. But I looked back on their meeting notices and didn't see anything about buying one so I'm not really sure. I'll let you know if they let me know.

Re: any lots for sale?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:48 pm
by walrusdog
bfreitas, thanks for the info, helps a lot. I like the electronic comunications like internet and e-mail and but some folks prefer the phone and privacy. Can't hardly blame en with all the chinese control tech coming on line nowadays( different subject). Frogs : how bout cats to control the frogs? are barn cats down in eden? I know they are hell on mice and birds. Maybe they wouodn't bother the birds if they had lots of frogs to munch on?? I'm off to look at thta web page . Oh yeah, what is a lava tube? Does lava obsorb water? Is the thermal energy nearby? How deep? Thanks again!

Re: any lots for sale?

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:42 pm
by bfreitas

The University of Hawaii peforms many studies and submit’s their results to the public. Here what this website: has to say about cats etc……….

Since there have been numerous reports of chickens consuming coqui frogs, trials were conducted……..Similarly, feral cats, rats, and mongoose may opportunistically eat coqui frogs, but frogs are not their primary food source and it is highly unlikely they reduce frog population sizes.

The Star Bulletin Newspaper published this story:

If cats and chickens were to develop an appetite for them via being fed them first, I’m positive they would actively search them out and eat them and all their eggs.

The frogs are known to originate in Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rico Herald put out this story: ... gs-en.html

……….Puerto Rico's government has asked U.S. authorities to halt a federal program to eradicate the chirping tree frogs loved in their native Puerto Rico but considered a noisy pest in Hawaii.
I say they get their asses over here and collect them and take them HOME.

I spray my property, my street and the two streets next to mine.
I borrow the sprayer from the county:
I buy my own lime, yes I’m still using lime!! But the Big Island Invasive Species group is matching a bag of citric acid you buy, they give you one free. Here’s their website: But, more specifically, here’s their info on the frog:
I also made a whole lot of the pvc traps and I find them and feed them to my free range chickens; they love them and are able to get through the thick brush to find them!!!!

It’s really all about due diligence. If a success rate of 10 to 30% is the average per treatment, then another 70 to 90% effort in the future is necessary.


Lava tubes are natural conduits through which lava travels beneath the surface of a lava flow. Tubes form by the crusting over of lava channels and pahoehoe flows. It’s basically a tunnel created by prior lava flows. Some are very small and some have become cavelike. If you buy your property and it has a lava tube on it you may be sad because your dog fell in it and you don’t know and can’t find him or happy because you could put it to use by using it as a mother-nature pre-dug cesspool.

Re: any lots for sale?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:50 am
by walrusdog
Bfrietas, thanks again for the info regarding frogs and tubes. I am looking at 3 acres in fern forest on the east side of the fern subdivision. Any wisdoms there? I'm not sure which lot and its exact location. Wally Chastian seemed vague but eager to get the ernest money. I'll have to keep after himfor the exact lot numbers etc for due diligence , huh?

Re: any lots for sale?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:56 pm
by bfreitas
If you’re looking at Fern Forest, you may want to try Hawaiian Acres first.

Did you see Fern Forest’s Community Association website? They, unlike Eden Roc, have mandatory road fees. You could appreciate this, or not, depending on your perspective. But, I’ve not seen that their roads are much more effective on saving your car’s suspension system than Eden Roc’s or Hawaiian Acres; which, incidentally, does not have mandatory road fees either. But, Hawaiian Acres does have Jacobsen, our district’s councilman living in it’s subdivision and he is a real activist in his community; something Eden Roc lacks more substantially than we know. Fern Forest has their development “hui” but it seems to be politically inclined in order to fill the open, outstretched hand if you know what I mean.
I really have nothing great to say about that subdivision, if you know what I mean.

Which lot and location:
You’ll need the TMK: Tax Map Key
Then, look it up on the county records here: ... nu=Account

Enter the tmk, it will tell you when and for how much that lot last sold for. Also, choose map and get some of the surrounding tmk’s to compare sales.
KEY: Corner lots are always better to buy, especially in an unimproved subdivision.
Easier access for a “circular driveway”, easier access for delivery of water, building materials, pick-up of sewage or whatever; two choices of roads on corner lots. Also, if you look (as I did) at the police and fire blotters, it seems that the probability of “happenings” are lower (rip-offs, fires etc.). Call the fire and police depts, they’ll help you with that.

But, you really, if you’re going to live there, you really need to drive around and look at what surrounds you. In fact, if you can walk the road you’re interested in buying on and at least the two surrounding roads on a weekday morning, say 6:30 to 7:30 am and on a Saturday night, say just before and just after sunset you’ll really get an idea of what kind of neighborhood you’re buying into.

Yea, you have to keep after Wally, but remember what the law requires a real estate agent to tell you and what you really need to know may be two different things. You’re agent, his/her client only needs to tell you if there is a lava tube…..if…..they know that there is one, etc. They don’t have to tell you if it is a high crime, high poverty area. They don’t have to tell you that your neighbor grows pot and all the hub-hub that goes with that.

k, let me know if you have spec questions, laters

Re: any lots for sale?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:03 pm
by GlobalPortInt you can see my ad. Any reasonable offers considered. Seller motivated! Will sell together for $29,800 or apart for $14,900 each lot.This won't last long great deal.Owner taking a loss They paid over $50,000 four years ago.They need money for medical bills and can't move to the Islands.Call Mealoha Kraus at (808)938-8272 Email:( ... Q000210360" rel="nofollow"> ... Q000210360" rel="nofollow"> ... Q000210360 MLS #
Land area
Listed by

Side by Side, Near Forest Reserve!
Hawaii's Eden Roc Estates Lot #:21
1.00 ac

Denise S. Nakanishi - R , R, ABR, CRS, GRI / Prudential Orchid Isle Properties

Mealoha Kraus - RA , / Prudential Orchid Isle Properties

Side by Side, Near Forest Reserve!
Hawaii's Eden Roc Estates Lot #:23
1.00 ac

Denise S. Nakanishi - R , R, ABR, CRS, GRI / Prudential Orchid Isle Properties

Mealoha Kraus - RA , / Prudential Orchid Isle Properties

Lesley 'Mealoha' Kraus,RA
Team Manager, Team Nakanishi
Lead Assistant to Denise S. Nakanishi, R
Prudential Orchid Isle Properties
(800)789-4753 toll-free

Re: any lots for sale?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:58 am
by walrusdog
bfrietas, thanks again, can you expound on the pot growing hub bub between neighbors? I find the subject facinating. I know some folks have needs etc and I feel that pot laws are part of a larger political agenda. In alaska it is a felony to grow more than 25 plants. The polititions keep trying to make all kinds of criminal rules for weed and the judge keeps saying that small "private" amounts are within constitutional rights . I realize that the illegal nature of weed makes it evil by driving up the value. Naturally poor folks are going to want to capitalize on this and guard their weed patch with extreme pregudis. Fasinating.

Re: any lots for sale?

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 8:53 am
by walrusdog
I did some googling and I see there is a lot of hub bub in Puna regarding MJ. As far as lots 21-23 go, they are in the back so probably they have lots of weeds , ah? How about the land just to the south that is not park? Is there lots of activity there also? Nevermind. How about mosquitoes? Are there too many or are they seasonal? Maybe the frogs eat them?